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Friday, November 20, 2009

Inside the mind of a terrorist

What is it that really makes a terrorist out of a normal human being?
Is it something that happens in just that one moment, or then over a period of time...systematic indoctrination?

Questions, questions, questions .. ...with no clear answer.
Each person would have a different take on this, even those same people who we might choose to term 'terrorists.'

For the very simple reason that what is right to someone may be very wrong to a whole lot of others.

For you see, it's all really in the mind.

Imagine a small boy who saw his entire family gunned down by enemy soldiers, while he played dead.
Instinctively knowing that was the only way to live.

Then going straight to the nearest camp, where he is fed,sheltered, clothed and then over a period of time, taught to be a 'human bomb,'

Ensuring that he does what he believes is right.
Even if it means, becoming that same human bomb that he has trained so hard and so long for.

Makes me pause enough to wonder, who do we blame?
And far more importantly, what can we do?

Individually, collectively, or then, as nations....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I keep thinking of their mindset and keep asking questions to myself, but reading "inside the mind of a terrorist" made me think more, and am left with many more questions. wonder if any human can answer them.! Questions like..If the killings are done for a fair cause, why kill the innocent? Does 'God' ever say kill anyone at all? Does killing people solve any problem at all? A boy grown up in a camp,should grow up to be more compassionate and tougher to solve these problems or is it the other way?!