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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

'Dupatta Killer', finally caught in Goa.

In April this year, a 40 year old man called Mahananad Naik was picked up by the Goa police on suspicion of rape and blackmail.That was just for a start, until more details started emerging...

They soon realized that the man they had in their custody was none other than the 'Dupatta killer', a serial killer who has reportedly admitted to killing at least sixteen local women.Spanning a period starting from 1994, till recently, he strangled all of them with their dupattas and then either buried their bodies in fields, or then threw them into rivers.

With another fifteen that he could possibly have..and which will be very difficult for the cops to prove, this case has turned out to be the stuff that police and the administrative machinery's nightmares are made of. Simply because the same individual was arrested in 1995, in connection with one of the murdered women's investigation, but released without any charge.

Yet look at the irony.

For this is what his wife Pooja, the mother of his 18 month old dauaghter had to say."This is unimaginable.He was such a nice guy.He never assaulted or even shouted at me. He can't even kill an ant, so how can he be involved in such heinous crimes..."

Reminded me of Shiny Ahuja's wife on the TV news this morning.Insisting that her husband had been framed.

A few hours later, the Medical reports have conclusively proved that the 18 year old maid had indeed been raped.
Just like she had stated in her police complaint....


mudita said...

Connecting this case and the Shiny Ahuja case raises the questions- are all wives suckers; is there anything called "the entire truth"; can anyone be trusted completely; do you really know the people you spend your lives with; how much do we reveal of ourselves to our close ones??? Too many questions!! Wouldn't want to be caught in a situation where my trust in a dear one is put to the test. Mudita.

Sunaina Serna Ahluwalia said...

Mudita, That's exactly the reason I've raised it.For how much do we really know abaout those we live with, our 'nearest and dearest?

Remember the Yorkshire ripper?

And yes, how much do we reveal of ourselves? Or only to some people, in parts...?