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Friday, May 22, 2009

Random thoughts and observations

The mind wanders...and various thoughts come and go.

Some which register more than the others.

In which case I try to put them down, before they go away too..

So these are today's.

One of which I observed during my evening walk( why is it that so many things happen only then???)

We have a Polyclinic in our complex.Called the Hatat Polyclinic,this is one of the most well reputed clinics in the city, offering a wide range of medical treatments and facilities.So that people of all age groups (and might I add, mostly from the upper strata)come here to have a range of treatments/follow up activities.

As I drew up closer, and moved towarfs the outer perimeter, (the route that I've chalked out as the patah of least disturbance during my walk, I saw an old Omani gentleman in a wheel chair. He was gently being taken down the specially built ramp, and into a parked and waiting Lexus ES-350.

My observations- he looked weak, tired and unwell.

But more than that, he looked happy and content.

Even managing a smile back at me, as I gave him one while directly passing by.

Because he was surrounded by loving family members, who were there to provide mental, moral as well as physical support. There were three of them, a young man and a woman along with a boy of about 14 years of age.

And here's my take on this-At the end of the day, what are we all really looking for?

Just some peace and quiet, and God forbid, if we are weak, old and ill..

The loving support of our family.

For money alone can't buy us happiness in this world

Or then for that matter, health

1 comment:

mudita said...

Your post reminds me of the time my mom was admitted in a hospital in Dubai. Come Eid weekend and the adjoining bed got occupied by an old woman who had no attendants or people visiting her. Not only that she would go completely beserk at meal times, eating off the floor etc, and biting nursing attendants when restrained. There was no way her family could be contacted. She had been abandoned by the family who probably wanted to celebrate the festival on their own.The old man in your post is really lucky to have it all, the love and respect of his family in his "needy times". Mudita