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Monday, November 3, 2008

In Memorium -Nigam Uncle

Nigam Uncle passed away this evening at 1830 hrs IST...

Was it unexpected? Who can really tell?

Did he know that the end was so near? Possibly....

For Uncle knew that the surgery had numerous 'potential' hazards, yet he chose to go ahead.

<strong>With that indomitable fighting spirit that he had...all his life, and even in death.
Uncle, we will always, always-remember you as a great human being.

One who everyone, young and old alike could learn so much from- scrabble, games, general knowledge, maths, English literature..... the list could go on and on.

That 'spark' of mischief, that particular look in your eyes, that hearty laugh, that love for animals, birds and humans....

And the depth of wisdom that you chose to share with all of us freely and frankly..

Aunty, Amrita, Sandeep, Sonu, Juju, Ajit, Meenakshi and words can express what we feel...Yet this is my personal attempt to capture a miniscule part of what Uncle epitomised.

I miss you Uncle, and it's not even been one evening.....

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