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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The things that matter- Moments in a day

What are the really important things in life?

I'm fairly sure that each of us has a different answer and a different perception.

Making money, lots and lots of it?

Many would put this on top of their list of priorities

Family time, personal time, time for recreation, time to just 'be'...the list can go on and on..

Temporary frustrations or roadblocks can make people look at their priorities differently at different points in time. And so their list will undergo a metamorphosis, and come back on track, perhaps..

Who can really tell?

But there is a simpler way to look at the moments in a day..

I quote Saleh Al Shaibany"In the end, it's the routine that matters, no matter how much we hate it.Lets make the most of our day. You may be tied up in a meeting , but can still step out for a few seconds to send a text message to someone whose day you will brighten up.

Just take care of the moments of the day, and the rest of the day will take care of you when you close the blinds for the night."

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